Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today is a very sad day fro me, not only because of 9/11, but because I lost a dear friend.

Lorraine Perry died today because of a brain tumor. It happened very suddenly, I was told after school today. I have known Mrs. Perry for about 10 years now, meeting her at her son's house as we had a playdate after school. We were both 4. She was like a second mother to me. (Heck, forget spending 2/3 of your life sleeping, mine has been spent at their house!) Today there's only 3 members of the Perry clan left, her husband, daughter, and son.

Mrs. Perry, you will always live on in our hearts.


1 comment:

  1. Jack,
    There are more than three members of the Perry clan. You and your parents are a part of our family as well. Mom loved you; you were her third child, and we love you too.
