Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Words can hurt, you know...

Mood: Sad-ish
Music: 'The Listening' by Lights

Hey people.

You DO realize that words hurt people more than your actions can. That girl you called a crybaby? Her parents are going through a divorce and she's moving across the country. That boy walking down the street who's wearing that old clothing? His family is barely making enough to survive. That girl who you made fun of and called anorexic? She hasn't eaten since Friday afternoon. And remember that boy who you pushed into lockers and called scum and a fag? His parents discovered him dead in their basement from an overdose. Remember the next time you feel like dirt, that's what these people feel like too. It's wrong to bully, no matter what their skin looks like, their hair color, their sexual orientation, their clothes, their family, their lifestyle, they're people just like you and me. They have feelings too, and it's WRONG to make them feel awful. Think before you speak. Put yourself in their shoes. What could be happening in their life right now? It could be ANYONE! Your mom, your dad, uncle, aunt, grandparent, sibling, friend, enemy, just take the time to smile at them. You never know, you could save someone's life.

Just remember this next time.

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