Friday, August 9, 2013


Mood: Excited
Music: 'Selah' by Carinthia

So hey there! I'm Jack, a female from somewhere in this universe. And it's my birthday today.

So, I'm typing this on my new Chrome Book, one that my mom bought as my birthday present. So I decided to do something remotely interesting with this. You see, I have tried (and completely failed) to have a blog before, mainly because I'm just too lazy to update on a fairly normal schedule. Hopefully this computer lasts longer than my old one.

I used to have a MacBook. Nothing special, just your average, sexy Apple white Mac. I got it for Christmas. And in March, I spilled ginger ale all over the keyboard. Now, before you start ranting and raving about what a complete idiot I am (believe me, I know), know that it was a complete and utter freak accident. I was working with two computers at once, our dinosaur-ancient Dell desktop and my Mac, changing my Mac's background to a picture of Adam Young (my favorite singer, btw. His owlsomeness will be mentioned again, don't you worry.) when I swung my arm over and knocked my ginger ale over. So, that sucks.

On a happier note, I have a Chrome Book, a new blog, and some interesting stuff to say. I love to write, read, and sing, I like to consider myself a computergenius (though my method consists of giving the monitor the equivalent of a concussion) and spent FAR to much time NOT interacting with people. I fangirl over Owl  City, Carinthia, Breanne Duren, Percy Jackson, Divergent, The Matched Trilogy, Castle, Adventure Time, and numerous other things. My friend and I are both extremely random, she writes too, so we usually trade ideas back and forth. I wrote a book once, you can find it on Amazon and CreateSpace (Keywords Hospital Flowers J M Shay) and I'm going into high school this year.

And this post is extremely long, so I'll just go away now.

Here's a funny cat picture for you.

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