Saturday, August 31, 2013


Thursday, August 29, 2013

I'm just posting because my parents are freaking out about getting Boston stations with our new antenna. This is normal. They are not.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

omg i just looked at all of my pageviews.

thank you.

this is excellent.

Monday, August 26, 2013

just keep nyaning.


Saturday, August 24, 2013


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Happy Birthday TMS!

Dear Midsummer Station,

Happy first birthday! I love you alot, your songs are amazing! I'm so glad Adam Young created you, and your acoustic counterpart is awesome as well. I know you're misunderstood by some, but don't listen to the haters. You are completely Owlsome!


All of your Hoot Owl and Owl Citizen friends!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013


I like Lights. She's really awesome and cute, and she's an amazing singer.

Here's a video of her song 'Toes'

Sunday, August 18, 2013

If My Heart Was A House

“Brielle, I didn’t mean that.” Adam says.
“Like hell you didn’t!” I yell at him.
“STOP YELLING AT ME!” Adam roars.
“STOP YELLING AT ME, you son of a...” I yell back at him.

“Get OUT!” He yells.
“FINE!” I yell back, walking through the back door.

He slams the door behind me, and I walk out into the trees. I wander through the woods, and come to a small hollow, made from rocks. I crawl inside, hugging my knees to my chest, and start to sob.

About an hour later, footsteps head toward my hiding spot, crunching twigs and leaves underfoot. A head appears in my vision, and familiar brown eyes stare at me.

“Brielle?” His voice is soft.
“Get away from me.” My voice is hoarse from crying.
“Brielle, I’m sorry. I never meant to say that.”
“Too bad I don’t care.” I growl.
“Just hear me out.” he pleads.
“Go away.” I mumble.
“GO AWAY!” I shriek, slapping his hand away.

His eyes tear up, and he walks off into the woods, melting into the greenery. I run deeper into the woods as night falls, and drop down next to a pine tree. It starts to rain. I bawl all over myself, completely hating myself for yelling at Adam. I cry for hours, soaked to the bone, and the rain recedes.

“I’m sorry!!” I wail to the darkening skies.

I try to find my way back to the house, but get lost quickly.

“Adam!” I sob. “ADAM!!”

I bawl again when he doesn’t come, and I shiver violently as the cold air nips at my skin.

“I’m sorry, Adam! Please, I need you!” I cry.

Midnight comes and goes, and I hear twigs crunch in the distance.

“Adam.” I wail, long and low.

The twigs crunching sounds closer.

“Adam.” I whisper, breaking down again.
“I’m here, sweetheart, don’t cry.” He says.

I look up and see Adam kneeling before me, his eyes filled with sorrow. I collapse into his arms, bawling and shaking. His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer, and I cling to him, nuzzling his chest.

“I’m sorry Adam please don’t be mad I didn’t mean to hit you I love you...” I babble out.

I look up as one hand leaves my back, and see Adam with his hand raised, poised to slap me.

“P-please...” I whisper, scooting away. “Don’t hurt me. I’m sorry, I never meant any of it, I love you, please!” I beg, shielding my face with my hands.

Adam looks confused for a moment, but it quickly changes to hurt and sadness.

“Oh, Brielle. I wasn’t going to hit you!” He exclaims, taking my hands.

I cry more, and feel Adam pull me back to him. His hand touches my hair, and he strokes it as I bawl into his chest. He holds me close, and kisses my head. I choke over my cries, and look up at him. His hand caresses my cheek.

“I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad.” I whimper.
“I’m not mad. Brielle, I never meant to say that to you. I’ve just been having a bad day, and took it out on you. I’m so sorry, Brielle. I never meant to make you cry.” He says, his voice soft. I can see unshed tears in his eyes as he says this, and his eyes are red-rimmed, like he recently cried.

He wipes the tears off of my face with his thumb, and gets up, shrugging his leather jacket off. He drapes it around my shoulders, and helps me get my arms through the sleeves. We hug again, me clinging to him, him holding me close while cooing in my ear.

“A-aren’t you co-cold?” My teeth chatter.
“I’ll live.” He replies. “Come on, now. Let’s get you home.”

He lifts me off of the ground bridal-style, and I wrap my arms around his neck. I look up at his handsome face, seeing how his hair fell across his face, touching his glasses.

I cuddle closer to him as he carries me through the forest, and I nuzzle him, wanting comfort.

He walks through the woods, and we soon arrive at the back door, which he has left open. He carries me inside, and up the stairs, setting me down in my bedroom.

“Why don’t you get cleaned up? I’ll be downstairs.” He says, exiting the room.

I grab the wolf pj’s he bought for me, and head into the bathroom, starting the water in the shower. I sigh, and clean quickly, drying off and combing out my hair. I pull on the pj’s, and Adam’s leather jacket, and tiptoe down the stairs. I look to Adam, and then the clock. It’s 2:05 AM, and I’m soon overcome with exhaustion. My knees buckle, and I feel arms around me, holding me upright. I groan softly, and fall back into Adam’s warm body.
“Steady.” He whispers. “Tired?”
I yawn.
“Okay, let’s get you to bed.” He murmurs, picking me up and carrying me upstairs. He clicks the lights on in my bedroom, and sets me down. I peel off his jacket as he folds back the bed sheets. My legs don’t want to work, and he notices, coming over to gently pick me up, and lay me down in bed. He tucks me in, kissing my head.

“Sweet dreams, Brielle. I’ll see you in the morning.” Adam clicks the light off, and starts to head to the door.

“N-no, Adam, please, don’t go!!!!! I need you!!!!!!” I wail, starting to cry again. He stops, rushing over to me and holding me close.
“Oh, Brielle, don’t cry. I’m not going anywhere if you don’t want me to.” He murmurs. “Shh now, it’s okay, I’m here.”

I sniffle, trying to form words but failing miserably. “A-a-ad... s-s-sor-sorr... l-l-lo-lo-lov...”
“Shhh, Brielle, shhh. Hush now, darling.” He whispers, picking me up and setting me on his lap.

He holds my upper body securely with one arm, caressing my cheek with his other hand as he tips my face up to look at his. His eyes are filled with love and care, his expression patient, his touch gentle.
“I will always love you, no matter what.” He whispers.
“L-lo-love y-you t-t-too.” I manage through my tears.

He gently rocks me back and forth, cooing and murmuring hushed words to me as he quiets my plaintive cries. He wipes the tears from my eyes with his thumb, gently laying me down in my bed again. I cling to him, willing him to stay.

“You want me to stay?” He asks.
I nod, pulling his hands.
“Alright.” He sighs, laying down with me.
“Mad?” I ask, my voice shaky.
“No, I just hate seeing you upset. Are you going to be able to sleep?” He asks.
I nod, yawning.
“Okay, sweetheart. Why don’t you try to get some sleep then.” He says, putting his arm around my shoulders. I look up at him, and he smiled, kissing my forehead. I move my head to his chest, resting it over his heart and putting an arm across his belly. He turns me toward him, and gently rubs my back, making me drowsy. I start to drift off, but jerk as my mind is filled with images of Adam hurting me.

“What’s wrong?” He asks.
“Nothing.” I whisper. “Just... well...”
“Are you nervous because you thought I was going to hurt you earlier?” He asks.
I nod.
“It’s okay, Brielle. You’re always going to be safe in my arms. I will never lay a finger on you, okay?”
“Okay.” I sigh.
“Now, let’s get some sleep, darling. Sweet dreams.” He murmurs.
“Sweet dreams.”

We cuddle closer, and drift off into our dreamlands in each other’s arms.

Friday, August 16, 2013


I rode a horse named Chip's Ahoy today. He's awesome. We did cross country jumping. His real name is Chipper.



Thursday, August 15, 2013

I'm thinking about words. Moist is the worst word ever! The word defenestrate means to throw out a window! How do you make time fly? Defenestrate a clock! I don't like clocks. They make me get up too early! I didn't have coffee this morning, and now I have a headache. I should've slept longer today. I want to clean my room, but it isn't messy! Maybe I should mess up my room so I can clean it? Nah. That'd just be nuts! And I'm not nuts! Squirrels like nuts. Squirrel! Hello! My name is Doug. My master made me this collar so that I may talk! No habla Espanol!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Words can hurt, you know...

Mood: Sad-ish
Music: 'The Listening' by Lights

Hey people.

You DO realize that words hurt people more than your actions can. That girl you called a crybaby? Her parents are going through a divorce and she's moving across the country. That boy walking down the street who's wearing that old clothing? His family is barely making enough to survive. That girl who you made fun of and called anorexic? She hasn't eaten since Friday afternoon. And remember that boy who you pushed into lockers and called scum and a fag? His parents discovered him dead in their basement from an overdose. Remember the next time you feel like dirt, that's what these people feel like too. It's wrong to bully, no matter what their skin looks like, their hair color, their sexual orientation, their clothes, their family, their lifestyle, they're people just like you and me. They have feelings too, and it's WRONG to make them feel awful. Think before you speak. Put yourself in their shoes. What could be happening in their life right now? It could be ANYONE! Your mom, your dad, uncle, aunt, grandparent, sibling, friend, enemy, just take the time to smile at them. You never know, you could save someone's life.

Just remember this next time.

Mood: Happy
Music: None

I like my cat. Her name is Maggie. She's cute and fuzzy and plump and sweet and awesome. She's also sleeping on my legs right now. Here's a funny pic of her.

Don't let her looks fool you, she's very cuddly. When she's not plotting to kill you while you sleep.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mood: Tired
Music: None

I'm actually wicked surprised that I've kept up with this. Having an email sent to me every morning really helps. Thanks, internet!

So, I'm now wearing owl pants, an owl city shirt, and thinking about changing my background image to an owl.

Here's a cute picture then.

Weird. That is like my life usually.

Monday, August 12, 2013

He's so fine...

Mood: Fangirling
Music: 'Fireflies' by Owl City

This post is gonna be about Adam Young.

He's owlsome. Like, really, really owlsome. He's cute, and he's kind and he's talented, and he's owlsome.

I mean, seriously, how can you not love this face?

And let's not forget this...

And this one...

But seriously, folks.
How can you not love this face?!?!?!?!?!

Told ya he was cute.

Don't you just love him?

I do.

He's owlsome.

You just gotta love the special man called Adam Young.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Just keep shwimming

Mood: Happy
Music: None

I went swimming. And that's really it. So... what to say, what to say.


Here's another cute pic for you.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Maybe I'll just post some funny cat pics for you. I really don't do anything interesting.


Mood: Beachy
Music: 'Swimming in Miami' by Owl City

I went to the beach today. The water was freezing. My mom dunked herself, but I decided it was just a lot easier to make assorted screaming noises. Then I sat in the sun, dried off a bit, and read a book. Came home, wen't shopping for food, and here I am, sitting on a Chrome Book cuz I have nothing better to do. Except charge my iPod. Which I have to do on my dad's laptop. I could probably charge it on here, but I won't. Maybe I'll just defenestrate it. YAY I USED A BIG WORD!!

Here's another cat pic for you.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Mood: Excited
Music: 'Selah' by Carinthia

So hey there! I'm Jack, a female from somewhere in this universe. And it's my birthday today.

So, I'm typing this on my new Chrome Book, one that my mom bought as my birthday present. So I decided to do something remotely interesting with this. You see, I have tried (and completely failed) to have a blog before, mainly because I'm just too lazy to update on a fairly normal schedule. Hopefully this computer lasts longer than my old one.

I used to have a MacBook. Nothing special, just your average, sexy Apple white Mac. I got it for Christmas. And in March, I spilled ginger ale all over the keyboard. Now, before you start ranting and raving about what a complete idiot I am (believe me, I know), know that it was a complete and utter freak accident. I was working with two computers at once, our dinosaur-ancient Dell desktop and my Mac, changing my Mac's background to a picture of Adam Young (my favorite singer, btw. His owlsomeness will be mentioned again, don't you worry.) when I swung my arm over and knocked my ginger ale over. So, that sucks.

On a happier note, I have a Chrome Book, a new blog, and some interesting stuff to say. I love to write, read, and sing, I like to consider myself a computergenius (though my method consists of giving the monitor the equivalent of a concussion) and spent FAR to much time NOT interacting with people. I fangirl over Owl  City, Carinthia, Breanne Duren, Percy Jackson, Divergent, The Matched Trilogy, Castle, Adventure Time, and numerous other things. My friend and I are both extremely random, she writes too, so we usually trade ideas back and forth. I wrote a book once, you can find it on Amazon and CreateSpace (Keywords Hospital Flowers J M Shay) and I'm going into high school this year.

And this post is extremely long, so I'll just go away now.

Here's a funny cat picture for you.