Saturday, December 7, 2013

A message from Adam’s Manager

Listen up Hoot Owls, this is important. I’m older than most of you, and that means I have some life experience. Trust me when I say there is NO way Adam knew about this-because there is NO way he would have risked his career on someone engaging in career-ending behavior. Logic dictates if he’d have known, DJ wouldn’t have been there.

I received a note from Adam’s Manager a few minutes ago, which I am sharing with you. Believe me, they are just as worried and upset and surprised as the rest of us. Adam is blameless in this.

"Dear Marilyn:
First off, thank you so much for reaching out to express your concern.  We take these kinds of things very seriously, and have been investigating the situation all day.
Adam and I were both shocked and horrified to read the Tumblr blog you reference in your email earlier today.  Adam and Owl City has, and always will be an organization that places moral conduct first, and does not condone or approve of any of the behavior described in the aforementioned blog.  
We will continue to investigate this matter over the coming days, and appropriate action will indeed be taken.
Please know that Adam Young has nothing to do with the matter in question, and feels absolutely terrible for all involved.
Thank you again for bringing this to my attention.
With much respect,
Steve Bursky”
So do not despair, Hoot Owls. Adam and his team are on this. Whatever the truth turns out to be — and as MommaHootOwl has reminded you, the law of our land is the presumption of innocence until proven guilty — Adam had nothing to do with it. You need to show him your love and support. At best, he’s grieving for the pain of a friend. At worst—the betrayal of one. Either way, it hasn’t been a very good day in his world. Show him your respect, love and support—he really needs it today.

Much love,

The other Momma-who-is-a-Hoot-Owl
Tagged: adam youngOwl 

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