Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Friendly Message from your Fairyfanmother

To my dear Lil’ Owls:
We have had a terrible blow. There is no denying it, no pretty words that will make it magically disappear. I am deeply troubled and I have cried. I know you have too. So what do we do now?
The way I see it is this: if you are like me you are probably angry, sad or oscillating between the two. The primal reaction is to lash out but this is neither healing nor helpful. I have seen far too much of this and we will never survive as a fandom if we keep attacking, accusing, bullying and gossiping. We need to let the wheels of justice move along on their proper path and in their own time. The important thing right now is for the healing to begin.
To this effort and to facilitate our fandom recovery, I would respectfully but firmly ask that any posts concerning the Daniel allegations be kept out of the ‘Adam Young’ and ‘Owl City’ tags from this point forward. Please put them in the ‘HootOwls’ tag and make a habit of checking that tag if you so desire. I’m not censoring posts but it would be beneficial to everyone if they were not in the main tags.
I know everyone has a lot of questions. It’s only natural but the persistent ones concerning Adam’s possible involvement are very troublesome. Let me explain you a thing and I will be exquisitely crystal clear: ADAM HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!! He said so himself (through his manager) and I can find no reason not to believe him. Adam and Daniel are two separate people. They may spend many weeks rolling over the world in a tin can on wheels but they are not joined at the hip like you and your BFF. It is well known that Adam needs time by himself and I would bet that he does that every chance he gets. In reality, history is littered with accounts of people accused of criminal behavior and when questioned, their closest family and friends had no clue as to what was happening.
Adam is also not responsible for monitoring Daniel’s behavior. The only one responsible for Daniel’s behavior is Daniel. Do not speculate and gossip about any possible role Adam had in this. One career is probably already ruined. Do not ruin another by spreading baseless rumors. I will warn you that free speech has its limitations. If you impute someone’s integrity without cause and evidence you could be facing a libel lawsuit.
Despite this very painful time we are in, I have every bit of faith that this fandom will get through this. Adam and his wonderful music have not gone anywhere. It is still the same and can still bring us joy and comfort. Our wings may be drooping but the HootOwls will rise and fly again.
Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. 1 Corinthians 13:12
You are in my prayers, dear ones.

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