Tuesday, December 31, 2013

i love new years eve because it's the only day of the year that i can say i'll do it next year and not look lazy.

Monday, December 30, 2013

me: okay I'm gonna look at calendars.
*walks away*
me: wtf

Saturday, December 28, 2013

so what if i'm 14 and still sleep with a stuffed animal.

i'm just like


Friday, December 27, 2013

The Twelve Days of Christmas (Owl City Style, bitchez!)

On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me,

Adam Young singing to me.

On the second day of christmas my true love gave to me,

Two lucky owls,

And Adam Young Singing to me.

On the third day of christmas my true love gave to me,

Three Jasper's playing,

Two lucky owls,

And Adam Young singing to me.

On the fourth day of christmas my true love gave to me,

Four Steve's drumming

Three Jasper's playing

Two lucky owls

And Adam Young singing to me

On the fifth day of christmas my true love gave to me,


Four Steve's drumming

Three Jasper's playing

Two lucky owls

And an Adam Young in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of christmas my true love gave to me,

Six Breanne's singing


Four Steve's drumming

Three Jasper's playing

Two lucky Owls

And Adam Young singing to me

On the seventh day of christmas my true love gave to me

seven ice cream sandwiches

six Breanne's singing


four Steve's drumming

three Jasper's playing

Two lucky owls

And Adam Young singing to me.

On the eighth day of christmas my true love gave to me

eight Gabe's moonwalking

seven ice cream sandwiches

six Breanne's singing


four Steve's drumming

Three Jasper's playing

two lucky owls

And Adam Young singing to me

On the ninth day of christmas my true love gave to me,

nine pairs of drumsticks

eight Gabe's moonwalking

seven ice cream sandwiches

six Breanne's singing


four Steve's drumming

Three Jasper's playing

and Adam Young Singing to me

On the tenth day of christmas my true love gave to me

ten talented musicians

nine pairs of drumsticks

eight Gabe's moon walking

seven Ice Cream sandwiches

six Breanne's singing


four Steve's drumming

Three Jasper's playing

two lucky owls

And Adam Young singing to me

On the eleventh day of christmas my true love gave to me,

eleven choco tacos

ten talented musicians

nine pairs of drumsticks

eight Gabe's moonwalking

seven ice cream sandwiches

six Breanne's singing


four Steve's drumming

Three Jasper's playing

Two lucky owls

And Adam Young singing to me

on the twelfth day of christmas my true love gave to me

twelve funny selfies

eleven choco tacos

ten talented musicians

nine pairs of drumsticks

eight Gabe's moonwalking

seven ice cream sandwiches

Six Breanne's singing


four Steve's drumming

Three Jasper's playing

Two Lucky Owls

and Adam Young singing to me.

AND ADAM YOUNG SINGING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Thursday, December 26, 2013

some feelz for you to have

read allegent





*feelz attack*

*starts sobbing uncontrollably*

please help i'm not sure how to process

Sunday, December 22, 2013

why why why why why why why why why why why why wHY WHY WHY WHY


Tuesday, December 17, 2013


remember, you make it happen.
lol i don't care

Sunday, December 15, 2013

so i watched the videos i got from the concert in saulsbury and realized i never emailed them to my friend.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

"As of this past weekend weekend, we have terminated Daniel Jorgensen’s role as a contracted tour musician and all involvement with Owl City

from Twitter.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

if u eat urself do u just get fatter or do u disappear completely

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Regarding my Daniel posts.

I hope that if this is true, Daniel gets help. This is a serious matter, as he's done this to more than 1 person, all of them between the ages of 12-21.

For the people directly affected by this, I offer you my full support.

I'm so glad I didn't talk to him at the concert I went to in September. He stood right behind me looking like he was scoping, and he also had his phone on him.

He is a sick individual.

A Friendly Message from your Fairyfanmother

To my dear Lil’ Owls:
We have had a terrible blow. There is no denying it, no pretty words that will make it magically disappear. I am deeply troubled and I have cried. I know you have too. So what do we do now?
The way I see it is this: if you are like me you are probably angry, sad or oscillating between the two. The primal reaction is to lash out but this is neither healing nor helpful. I have seen far too much of this and we will never survive as a fandom if we keep attacking, accusing, bullying and gossiping. We need to let the wheels of justice move along on their proper path and in their own time. The important thing right now is for the healing to begin.
To this effort and to facilitate our fandom recovery, I would respectfully but firmly ask that any posts concerning the Daniel allegations be kept out of the ‘Adam Young’ and ‘Owl City’ tags from this point forward. Please put them in the ‘HootOwls’ tag and make a habit of checking that tag if you so desire. I’m not censoring posts but it would be beneficial to everyone if they were not in the main tags.
I know everyone has a lot of questions. It’s only natural but the persistent ones concerning Adam’s possible involvement are very troublesome. Let me explain you a thing and I will be exquisitely crystal clear: ADAM HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!! He said so himself (through his manager) and I can find no reason not to believe him. Adam and Daniel are two separate people. They may spend many weeks rolling over the world in a tin can on wheels but they are not joined at the hip like you and your BFF. It is well known that Adam needs time by himself and I would bet that he does that every chance he gets. In reality, history is littered with accounts of people accused of criminal behavior and when questioned, their closest family and friends had no clue as to what was happening.
Adam is also not responsible for monitoring Daniel’s behavior. The only one responsible for Daniel’s behavior is Daniel. Do not speculate and gossip about any possible role Adam had in this. One career is probably already ruined. Do not ruin another by spreading baseless rumors. I will warn you that free speech has its limitations. If you impute someone’s integrity without cause and evidence you could be facing a libel lawsuit.
Despite this very painful time we are in, I have every bit of faith that this fandom will get through this. Adam and his wonderful music have not gone anywhere. It is still the same and can still bring us joy and comfort. Our wings may be drooping but the HootOwls will rise and fly again.
Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. 1 Corinthians 13:12
You are in my prayers, dear ones.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


My faithful viewers.

Please trend #OwlCityWereHereForYou and #AdamYoungWereHereForYou on ANY SOCIAL MEDIA.


Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, anything!

A message from Adam’s Manager

Listen up Hoot Owls, this is important. I’m older than most of you, and that means I have some life experience. Trust me when I say there is NO way Adam knew about this-because there is NO way he would have risked his career on someone engaging in career-ending behavior. Logic dictates if he’d have known, DJ wouldn’t have been there.

I received a note from Adam’s Manager a few minutes ago, which I am sharing with you. Believe me, they are just as worried and upset and surprised as the rest of us. Adam is blameless in this.

"Dear Marilyn:
First off, thank you so much for reaching out to express your concern.  We take these kinds of things very seriously, and have been investigating the situation all day.
Adam and I were both shocked and horrified to read the Tumblr blog you reference in your email earlier today.  Adam and Owl City has, and always will be an organization that places moral conduct first, and does not condone or approve of any of the behavior described in the aforementioned blog.  
We will continue to investigate this matter over the coming days, and appropriate action will indeed be taken.
Please know that Adam Young has nothing to do with the matter in question, and feels absolutely terrible for all involved.
Thank you again for bringing this to my attention.
With much respect,
Steve Bursky”
So do not despair, Hoot Owls. Adam and his team are on this. Whatever the truth turns out to be — and as MommaHootOwl has reminded you, the law of our land is the presumption of innocence until proven guilty — Adam had nothing to do with it. You need to show him your love and support. At best, he’s grieving for the pain of a friend. At worst—the betrayal of one. Either way, it hasn’t been a very good day in his world. Show him your respect, love and support—he really needs it today.

Much love,

The other Momma-who-is-a-Hoot-Owl
Tagged: adam youngOwl 

Daniel Jorgensen you disgusting bastard.
my laptop was just barfed apon by my stupider-than-dirt-even-though-that's-an-insult-to-dirt dog. HE IS SO LUCKY MY COMPUTER WAS CLOSED BECAUSE I WOULD'VE KILLED HIM FOR BREAKING MY 3RD LAPTOP IN LESS THAN 6 YEARS.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

just sat in traffic waiting for a train to cross the tracks.

4 hours later...

still waiting

eons later


Monday, December 2, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013