Thursday, February 13, 2014


I recently got asked by a friend at school who follows my blog what my main pokemon are. So, here it goes.

1.) Empoleon.

Pablo the Empoleon is my starter pokemon. I chose him because I still remember the day that D&P TCG came out and there were commercials about it. I saw Empoleon, and I loved him so much! I named him Pablo... because there is a penguin who lives in my shower and eats cake and we call him Pablo.

He is level 88, with 270 HP, and knows Hydro Cannon, Aqua Jet (a TCG move, saw it in Diamond and haven't gotten rid of it yet), Surf (HM), and Drill Peck. He has been a Sinnoh champion 6 times.

2.) Rapidash

Chipper the Rapidash I met at level 13 along route 211. I named him after one of the horses I ride, Chipper. His first name was Remington, but I decided to change it. He is level 66, with 185 HP, and knows Fire Blast, Flare Blitz, Return, and Ember (which will soon be switched out for Overheat). He has been a Sinnoh champion 3 times.

3.) Leafeon

Plant Life the Leafeon I met at level 5 in Hearthome City, courtesy of Bebe. I named him after my favorite song on the Owl City album, All Things Bright and Beautiful. I was having a crisis on what to level him up as, but I knew he would be in my core team, so I decided on having him evolve from Eevee to Leafeon. He too is level 66, with 180 HP, and knows Synthesis, Energy Ball, SolarBeam, and Secret Power (all of my Eevee-lutions know Secret Power.). He has been Sinnoh Champion 2 times.

4.) Noctowl

Kamikaze the Noctowl. I met her somewhere around Acuity Lakefront, at about level 35. I named her after my second favorite song on All Things Bright and Beautiful, Kamikaze. She is level 61, with 224 HP, and knows Fly, Defog, Extrasensory, and Zen Headbutt. She has been Sinnoh Champion 2 times.

5.) Luxray.

Maggie the Luxray is very near and dear to my heart (if you've read some of my older posts you know). I met her along route 202, at level 4. She was the first Pokemon I ever caught. I named her after my cat (who's flying with her big wings considering she's fat pleasingly plump.) She is level 62, with 197 HP, and knows Thunder, Discharge, Spark (which may be replaced with Charge Beam once I get another TM for it), and Strength. She has been Sinnoh Champion 3 times.

6.) Cresselia.

Lunar Moon the Cresselia is the last Pokemon in my core team. I met her at level 50, as one of those roaming annoying Pokemon that take so long to catch and they irritate you so much you just wanna KO them but you cant because they are rare and there's only one yada yada yada blah blah blah, at route 203. I named her after a Cresselia I read about on Wattpad. She is level 60 now, with 222 HP, and knows Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Psychic, and Moonlight. She has been Sinnoh champion 2 times.

(and yes I took all the pictures with my webcam which is why they are so crappy awesome)

So there you have it, my core team of Pokemon. I chose them because of their individual strengths, and I am so happy to have gone to the Hall of fame with these guys so many times. So, Pablo, Chip-Chip, Planty, Kami, Miggle-Wiggle, and Luna, Thank you so much for being in the game. I love you guys, and I'm proud of our journey so far.

(yes this is an old HoF, it's the one with all of them. (I never said that they went together more than once...)

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