Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chrome OS: Rating of the day... Y U DO DIS?

Dear Chrome OS,

When I go to turn you on in the mornings, intending to blog and YouTube and tweet and stuff like that, PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU REALLY MEAN IT. THEN YES, DO THIS SO I CAN FIX IT LIKE THE AMAZINGLY AWESOME COMPUTERGENIUS I AM.

YOU DECIDED THAT "Oh... hehehe, Jacklyn's so annoying that I'm gonna do this!"

Here's me computer's reaction to the stupid joke. 

And mine? Well it looked something like this.

So, yeah. I started my computer up again and it worked JUST. FINE.




Now, this is intended to be a joke. Just a hiccup in the system, nothing more, nothing less. No data was lost, everything works just fine on my computer, and this is NOT a rant against Google or Chrome OS as a whole. 

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